Posts Tagged: ‘Writing’

New Year Resolutions

January 1, 2011 Posted by zachary

Last year I didn’t achieve any of my resolutions. I resolved to play more games and to finish my book. Neither happened. I had 19 games on my list and I beat 2 of them. I made no progress on my book.

This year I have made some changes to my goals:

1) I resolve to finish my book’s first draft. Right now it is closer to an outline than anything with meat to it. I want refine the story and solidify the characters. For an additional bonus, I recently read a great article about self publishing through the Kindle. So once my book is done, I will be trying that out.

2) I work with my brother under the studio title Divine Knight Gaming. Together, we are resolving to release two games this year.

3) My wife has us on a new diet. We have been on it for a week and both of us have lost 4 pounds so far. I resolve to stick to this diet for the next 5 weeks. I could lose 20 pounds or more during that time. My weight goal is to get to 165; I am now 205. But I am setting something realistic for the year.

4) I resolve to read more. I haven’t read much during the last year. I think I have read maybe four books. I would like to read at least six books during the coming year.

5) I resolve to game more. I got a new PS3 for Christmas and that has added to my back log of games I need to play. I am not resolving to play all my back log, but I want to play more, so maybe 4 games this year rather than the two I beat last year.

So those are my resolutions for the coming year. the first three are pretty rigid and I plan to get them done. The final two are up in the air depending on my free time. I am not going to sweat it if I don’t make them.