I have made some progress on the Tulsa World’s new pay wall. I have been looking at this for a while. At first I thought they were doing something intelligent by require users to login and using server side sessions to determine if they load content or not.
This is not so.
Using the Web Developer addon for Firefox, I found that by disabling cookies, refreshing the page and re-enabling cookies I can read the articles when I am locked out. This is not an ideal solution, but it is a temporary fix.
I am still trying to get a toolbar bookmarklet functioning to make this a seamless process for anyone to use without having to use Firefox or install the Web Developer Addon. I just haven’t got the right commands going yet.
Javascript is not my strongest programming language, but I know enough to get this working, it will just take me some time.
Update: I have found the cookie that is responsible for displaying the content. It is named “MEYED” Deleting that cookie and refreshing the page provides the content, but there is still something on the page that forces a refresh and blocks the content again.
I have made some progress getting a bookmarklet working but right now it is not very useful. I hope to have it finished by the end of the week.
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